Airport Charges

Valid from 01 July 2011


A/C up to 100 t MTOW

(MTOW t) x CZK 300.00

A/C with MTOW 101 – 200 t

rate CZK 30,000.00 + (MTOW – 100 t) x CZK 120.00

A/C over 200 t MTOW

rate CZK 42,000.00 + (MTOW – 200 t) x CZK 60.00


Special discounts are applied from those basic charges for specific kind of flights or traffic (see Incentive Scheme).
For A/C up to 3 t MTOW the special price can be applied under given conditions, for more information click here.


Central Apron

A/C up to 200 t MTOW

one hour free of charge

Day rate (0500-1900UTC)

CZK 14.00 / one ton /one hour

Night rate (1900-0500UTC)

CZK 7.00 / one ton / one hour



A/C over 200 t MTOW

two hours free of charge

Stable rate

CZK 7.00 / one ton / one hour

South (Cargo) Apron, Remote Apron

All A/C

three hours free of charge

Stable rate

CZK 7.00 / one ton / one hour











Special discount is provided for medium-term and long-term parking (see Incentive Scheme).


The charge is applied if a bus has to be used due to actual traffic situation on the apron.

Passenger bus service to A/C

CZK 480.00 / ride




Departing passenger tax

CZK 420.00 / pax

Transfer passenger tax

CZK 190.00 / pax



Note: no passenger tax is applicable for infants up to 2 years old.

Letiště Ostrava, a.s.

Letiště Ostrava, a.s.
742 51 Mošnov 401


Information for passengers
+420 597 471 136

Lost and Damaged Luggage
+420 597 471 135

Ticket reservation
+420 597 471 180

Copyright © 2015 Letiště Ostrava, a.s.
Programmed by: SE-MO Data