Business Lounge

Enjoy the time before the departure of your flight in peace and comfort! In the pleasant atmosphere of the Business Lounge separate from the departure waiting area. Among other things, you can choose from a variety of hot and cold drinks, including alcoholic beverages, snacks, internet access and daily newspapers.

Lounge access can also be purchased by passengers on scheduled and charter flights.

Access can be booked via e-mail, phone, or bought before boarding a flight directly at the Information counter in the departure terminal of the airport (if capacity allows it).

Phone: +420 597 471 136


Single entry 420, - CZK
For holders of platinum and gold cards FFP * 360, - CZK
Groups and other discounts are available on request  

* applies only to FFP card holders who are not eligible to enter under the instructions of the carrier. The possibility to purchase this entry applies to FFP carriers airline alliances, if the holder buys the entry in connection with a flight, where the code-share is at least from one alliance carrier, that means that for example, a flight labelled 3B and code share OK (the Skyteam Alliance) gives the opportunity to purchase for a reduced price to all holders of platinum and gold cards of FFP SkyTeam carriers.

Priority Pass, LoungeKey and DragonPass cardholders allowed entry to the lounge!


Note for passengers:
The Ostrava Airport reserves the right to refuse admission to the Business Lounge to inappropriately dressed people, or those showing signs of drunkenness and aggressive behaviour.


Letiště Ostrava, a.s.

Letiště Ostrava, a.s.
742 51 Mošnov 401


Information for passengers
+420 597 471 136

Lost and Damaged Luggage
+420 597 471 135

Ticket reservation
+420 597 471 180

Copyright © 2015 Letiště Ostrava, a.s.
Programmed by: SE-MO Data