Check-in of passengers for flights departing from our airport can be done:
Check-in for passengers is open two hours before the scheduled departure time. Last check-in times vary with individual carriers.
At check-in submit:
Upon producing all documents and checking in the luggage, passengers will receive a boarding pass that allows them to board the plane. The baggage claim ticket must be retained in case a claim should be filed. In addition, passengers are advised to attach a tag with contact information to each item of luggage.
Last check-in for charter flights is 30 minutes before departure and 20 minutes before a regular flight. After that all check-in desks will be closed.
Czech Airlines offers online check-in for flights from Ostrava to Prague and also on other related scheduled flights from Prague. Check-in is possible 36 hours in advance the earliest, the latest you can use the service is 35 minutes before departure. Check-in is possible with both hand luggage and checked baggage which must be taken to the airport at least 30 minutes before the scheduled departure time.
Ryanair allows check-in for free on their website from 4 days to 2 hours prior to departure. In the event that a passenger forgets to check-in this way, it is possible to do so at the airport before departure for a fee according to the pricelist set by Ryanair, on the ticket sales counter in the departure hall. In this way, passengers can check in from 2 hours to 40 minutes before departure.
Within the European Union and the Schengen Area, citizens of the Czech Republic are allowed to travel using their valid identification card. Outside the EU and the Schengen Area,
passengers travelling by air require a valid passport or visa. Therefore, passengers are advised to contact the office of the Foreign Police of the Czech Republic located directly at the airport to verify the passport and visa requirements. Phone: +420 597 471 134.