As in previous years, between 18 and 20 September 2009, Leoš Janáček Airport will host Central Europe’s largest event dedicated to aviation, military and security equipment – NATO Days 2009. The objective of this event is to present the general public with a wide variety of equipment used by the Czech Republic and its allies in the area of national and international security.
The NATO Days full-day programme includes displays of heavy military, law enforcement and emergency response equipment, demonstration of training methods used by special units, aerobatics and aircraft displays, and presentations of the facilities and equipment used by the respective units. Nowhere else is it possible to see first hand all the advanced technologies and to witness top-notch skills demonstrated not only by the soldiers, fire fighters and police officers, but also customs officers, prison officers, municipal police and other elite units.
At the same time, the airport will become the venue for the International Aircraft Industry Exhibition ‘Air-In 2009’, which is dedicated to general aviation as well as airport, aircraft and avionics equipment. For more detailed information, click here.