On June 19th one of the world’s largest cargo planes, An-124-100 Ruslan, took off from the Leoš Janáček International Airport in Ostrava. The plane transported two ship shafts weighing 44.6 and 16 tons to South Korea.
Basic technical data of An-124-100 Ruslan
Length: 69.1 m
Height: 21.08 m
Wingspan: 73.3 m
Engines: 4 jet engines Lotarev progress D-18T (thrust of each engine is 229.9 kn)
Maximum flight weight: 392 tons
Flight speed: 865 km/hour
It flies at an altitude of up to 10.840 m
Maximum weight limit: 120 tons (possible increase up to 150 tons)
Producer: Uljanov company AVIASTAR-SP, Russia