Online Check-in

Since 15 June, 2010, ČSA has provided a new service related to its scheduled flights departing from Ostrava Airport – online check-in. Passengers can now take advantage of online check-in when travelling from Ostrava to Prague as well as flying on ČSA’s scheduled connecting flights.
ČSA’s online check-in opens 24 hours before a flight and closes 35 minutes before the scheduled departure. The online check-in applies to both hand luggage and hold luggage that must be handed over for check-in at Ostrava no later than 20 minutes before departure, when regular check-in closes.
For more information, click here.

Posted: 15.6.2010

Information by e-mail

Letiště Ostrava, a.s.

Letiště Ostrava, a.s.
742 51 Mošnov 401


Information for passengers
+420 597 471 136

Lost and Damaged Luggage
+420 597 471 135

Ticket reservation
+420 597 471 180

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Programmed by: SE-MO Data