Ostrava - Tel Aviv

After the winter break the Ostrava - Tel Aviv route is back in operation. The first flight takes off as early as Saturday 9th February 2013. Awertour is the guarantor of the flights and the airline carrier is Travel Service. Trips and separate tickets can be bought on their respective websites.

Posted: 15.1.2013

Information by e-mail

Letiště Ostrava, a.s.

Letiště Ostrava, a.s.
742 51 Mošnov 401


Information for passengers
+420 597 471 136

Lost and Damaged Luggage
+420 597 471 135

Ticket reservation
+420 597 471 180

Copyright © 2015 Letiště Ostrava, a.s.
Programmed by: SE-MO Data