Ryanair has launched its first low-cost route from Ostrava

From the 4th of June Ryanair offers passengers from Ostrava a connection with the capital of Great Britain 3 times a week.
Ryanair has prepared for passengers a special offer of cheap airline tickets for June and July 2013 for the price of 758 CZK, including all fees. You can book your flight until midnight of the 6th June 2013 on Ryanair’s website www.ryanair.com

You can find flight schedules of all flights operated from the Ostrava airport by visiting www.airport-ostrava.cz 

Posted: 6.6.2013

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Letiště Ostrava, a.s.

Letiště Ostrava, a.s.
742 51 Mošnov 401


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+420 597 471 136

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+420 597 471 135

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+420 597 471 180

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