Are you looking for recommendation of a gift relating to planes and aviation? The Ostrava Airport offers for sale advertising things with such topic - cards, posters, models of planes, badges, earrings and necklaces as planes, key tag, tie-pins, neck strings and other. More information can be obtained at the Information desk of the Airport at the phone no. 597 471 136, or the offer can be found directly in the Airport terminal. The sale website is under construction.
From the 4th of June Ryanair offers passengers from Ostrava a connection with the capital of Great Britain 3 times a week.
Ryanair has prepared for passengers a special offer of cheap airline tickets for June and July 2013 for the price of 758 CZK, including all fees. You can book your flight until midnight of the 6th June 2013 on Ryanair’s website
You can find flight schedules of all flights operated from the Ostrava airport by visiting
From June 3rd 2013 (8:00 am) the P3 car park will be back in operation for long-term parking. The car park will be guarded 24/7 throughout the summer season.
The P1 car park in front of the departure hall will still be available for travellers who wish to park and leave on holidays from the 1st to 2nd June 2013 (till Monday morning). Paying for parking in this car park will be based on the date of arrival. Off-season rates will be charged up to June 3rd 2013. The rates are currently listed on our website.
From Monday the 3rd of June please use the P3 car park for long-term parking. The P1 car park is intended for short-term parking, bringing passengers to the departure gate or picking them up after arrival. Parking here is free for 15 minutes.